Ten Years of Academic Writing

Attitudes & Human Behavior

Attitudes & Human Behavior

Vincent Triola

Attitudes are a manner of thinking about a person or thing which is also reflected in behavior (Allport, 1935). According to Allport (1935) attitudes occur as a result of individual...

Attitudes & Human Behavior

Vincent Triola

Attitudes are a manner of thinking about a person or thing which is also reflected in behavior (Allport, 1935). According to Allport (1935) attitudes occur as a result of individual...

Nicotine & Addiction

Nicotine & Addiction

Vincent Triola

Denial is a form of defense mechanism in humans. Psychologists believe that denial is a form of avoidance people use to not face the reality of a particular situation.

Nicotine & Addiction

Vincent Triola

Denial is a form of defense mechanism in humans. Psychologists believe that denial is a form of avoidance people use to not face the reality of a particular situation.

Influencing Behavior to Support Sustainability

Influencing Behavior to Support Sustainability

Vincent Triola

There is powerful relationship between the environment and human behavior. This relationship takes the form of environmental cues.

Influencing Behavior to Support Sustainability

Vincent Triola

There is powerful relationship between the environment and human behavior. This relationship takes the form of environmental cues.

The Keys to a Successful Healthy Marriage

The Keys to a Successful Healthy Marriage

Vincent Triola

This research paper investigates the key attributes of marital success. Using several studies, surveys and reports, the results showed that there exists two key attributes which comprise a successful marriage.

The Keys to a Successful Healthy Marriage

Vincent Triola

This research paper investigates the key attributes of marital success. Using several studies, surveys and reports, the results showed that there exists two key attributes which comprise a successful marriage.

Positive vs Negative Thinking

Positive vs Negative Thinking

Vincent Triola

The Italian sculptor Agostino d’Antonio was originally commissioned to create art using marble that was very difficult to sculpt. After an exhaustive period of time working with the marble he...

Positive vs Negative Thinking

Vincent Triola

The Italian sculptor Agostino d’Antonio was originally commissioned to create art using marble that was very difficult to sculpt. After an exhaustive period of time working with the marble he...

Culture Shock: New York

Culture Shock: New York

Vincent Triola

Understanding culture shock and its causes can prepare you for the syndrome. Everyone is prone to culture shock because all people have underlying expectations of other people being similar and...

Culture Shock: New York

Vincent Triola

Understanding culture shock and its causes can prepare you for the syndrome. Everyone is prone to culture shock because all people have underlying expectations of other people being similar and...