The Epic Short Stories: Omnibus I: Chronicles 13-16

Heroic, Glorious Tales of Heaven

Earth faces total annihilation from scourage of the Christians seeking to impose their insane values on the entire universe. Will Heaven interced and stop the lunacy? Will Vicente ever name his car? Find out in these fantastic stories.

(The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this guy Vicente. He rents some space on my website.)

Vince Vicente

*All books in the Epic Short Story Series contain adult content.*

Trigger Warning: The deeper your faith the more you will be offended and disturbed.

Epic Short Stories are great reading for anyone who is not a prude or sanctimonious ass.

Read all the Epic short stories on Substack or get the book from Amazon.

Take a ride on the sexual wayback machine with Vicente and Dr. Peebody to help them discover the Periodic Table of Sexual Elements and learn the difference between gay and really gay.

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H2H by Vincent V Triola

The Epic Short Story Volume 13.

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When creationists take over the LAPD crime lab, Vicente and Scoop are shocked to report the CCSI team implemented their creationist technologies, bringing justice to an abrupt halt. Will the victims receive justice? Is there no one to stop the creationists?

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CCSI: Creationist Crime Scene Investigation by Vincent V Triola

The Epic Short Story Volume 14.

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Earth's new hero is swaffelen the creationists, flat earthers, and dino deniers. Join Billy McDinopenis as he wages war on the ignorant.

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When Billy Graham, Kirk Cameron, and Joel Osteen launch the Flat Earth Creationist Extremist Ship (FECES), it will take the combined forces of Heaven, Levar Burton, Stan Lee, and Billy McDinopenis to stop them from annihilating the earth. Will these heroes be enough?

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Coming soon!
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