Nicotine & Addiction

Nicotine & Addiction

Denial & Withdrawal

Denial of Addicted Behavior

Denial is a form of defense mechanism in humans. Psychologists believe that denial is a form of avoidance people use to not face the reality of a particular situation. Denial is thought to serve the purpose of protecting the ego from failure or other negative feelings. This behavior will reduce short-term stress and pain but ultimately requires a great deal of energy and allows a negative behavior or feeling to persist in an ignored state.

For nicotine users, denial is a refusal to admit or recognize that the use of nicotine is disruptive or incapable of cessation. Denial is a complicated behavior because it may manifest itself differently in different people. For instance, a person may be aware that they cannot quit smoking but they will make excuses such as “it really does not impact me so why bother quitting.” Other people may outright refuse to admit that they are addicted and insist that they can quit.

Withdrawal from Smoking

Withdrawal from smoking or nicotine is a difficult process due to the physical psychological addictive properties. Physically, nicotine withdrawal can create cravings. Cravings manifest themselves in many side effects including: Irritable, cranky

· Insomnia
· Fatigue
· Inability to Concentrate
· Headache
· Cough
· Sore throat
· Constipation, gas, stomach pain
· Dry mouth
· Sore tongue and/or gums
· Postnasal drip
· Tightness in the chest (Cancer Facts & Figures, 2003).

Physical withdrawal only lasts a few days but he psychological craving for nicotine may last for weeks or months. The desire to use nicotine will persist and this typically the most difficult part of withdrawal. Many people return to nicotine use because of this factor.


Cancer Facts and Figures. (2003). Retrieved 05/04/2009,


Triola Vincent. Tue, Feb 02, 2021. Nicotine & Addiction Retrieved from

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