Epic Chronicles of Serious Literature
Heaven is changing! Will Vicente change with it? Will he become a useful citizen or spend his days pursuing pleasure? Probably a little of both. Join the adventure of changing Heaven for the better in these powerful tales of eternal salvation.
(The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this guy Vicente. He rents some
space on my website.)

*All books in the Epic Short Story Series contain adult content.*
Trigger Warning: If titles like "The Immaculate Whore" did not clue you into the nature of these stories, well, I guess you deserve to be triggered.
The Epic Short Stories will absolutely cause anger and feelings of despair in Christians and probably other people dumb enough to believe in religion. Oh well. I can't please everyone.
Read all the Epic short stories on Substack or get the book from Amazon.
In a valiant effort to save Joe Rogaine, Thuy Trang leads SHIT into Hollywood to find the one person who can save Joe, but Vicente pays the ultimate price. Will SHIT return to Heaven in time?
Vicente learns true love's secret & how to get a car from God when Victor Schertzinger shows him how the Clinton's infidelity makes the world function properly.
Who will win the battle for fast-food supremacy in Heaven? Will Eazy-E and Carrie Fisher take a bribe? What will Vicente name his car? Find the answers in this exciting issue of the Epic Short Stories.
All hail the Queen! When Nicki Minaj creates a park to end all racism on earth, Vicente is not amused but learns a thing or two about racism.