The Epic Short Stories: Omnibus I.

The Epic Short Stories: Omnibus I.

The Complete Collection

When Vicente dies and goes to heaven, little does he know the adventure is just beginning in a universe filled with mortals, superheroes, villains, and angels.

Get all the epic stories in this omnibus. This eBook contains volumes one through sixteen of the Epic Short stories with classics such as The Epic Short Story Team-up, Rainbow Dynamo. The Epic Short Stories Omnibus will make you laugh, cry, or even angry or disgusted, but for sure, this timeless masterpiece will make you feel something.

Trigger Warning: Epics are not good reading for religious zealots, especially Christians, sexually uptight pricks, or stupid people.

The Epic Short Stories are satirical, sometimes raunchy narratives poking fun at religion, entertainment, and society. Written originally as a concept for animation, the Epics soon developed into tiny fiction installments made available on KDP, but please don't buy them individually and lose money! You can purchase the first sixteen installments for much less than the individual books.

*All books in the Epic Short Story Series contain adult content. 


The Epic Short Stories: Chronicles 1-4

Epic Parables For Atheists Follow the adventures of Vicente as he moves between the heavens and earth to carry out God’s will. Somewhere between Aesop and Hugh Hefner, Vicente drives home a heartfelt and powerful moral ambiguity. Using his vast knowledge of YouTube, cable television, internet porn, and comic books, Vicente hammers away at the social issues plaguing the world. (The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this...

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The Epic Short Stories: Chronicles 5-8

Epic Chronicles of Serious Literature The challenges of Heaven never stop in this action-packed series! Who would have thought corruption needed fighting in Heaven? Certainly not Vicente. There is big trouble in Heaven, but Vicente and friends are ready to solve the issues of nepotism, sexual harrasment, and other bad things. (The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this guy Vicente. He rents some space on my website.)...

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The Epic Short Stories: Chronicles 9-12

Epic Chronicles of Serious Literature Heaven is changing! Will Vicente change with it? Will he become a useful citizen or spend his days pursuing pleasure? Probably a little of both. Join the adventure of changing Heaven for the better in these powerful tales of eternal salvation. (The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this guy Vicente. He rents some space on my website.) *All books in the Epic...

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The Epic Short Stories: Chronicles 13-16

Heroic, Glorious Tales of Heaven Earth faces total annihilation from the scourge of the Christians seeking to impose their insane values on the entire universe. Will Heaven intercede and stop the lunacy? Will Vicente ever name his car? Find out in these fantastic stories. (The Epics were written by Vicente, not Vince. I'm Vince, and I don't know this guy Vicente. He rents some space on my website.) *All books in the Epic Short Story...

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