What types of security risks do you face when installing a Web server?

What types of security risks do you face when installing a Web server?

What general security precautions should you take?

The major risks associated with webservers and its security include the following:

1. The Web Server is designed to run over a network. If the device is run over a public network, such as the Internet, and the security of the device is compromised, it could expose the device or the local network to the public network.

2. The Web Server is designed to function as a network server. If the security of the Web Server is compromised, it could expose the device or local network to multiple remote clients.

3. The Web Server is extensible. If the extensions do not use proper security and authentication procedures, they could compromise the security of the device or the local network (Microsoft, 2010).

In order to mitigate these threats, there are general practices such as creating strong policies to govern authentication and user access. Such things as password enforcement, auditing user access, and creating challenges to verify identity are strong general practices that work to secure a webserver (Microsoft, 2010). There many practices in this area but these are some of the most reliable.

There are also specific recommendations which should be for securing the WEB server including:

1. Limiting deployment which can be done by limiting the max connections in the registry. This reduces the number of connections to the WEB server and reduces the chance of infiltration.

2. Limit the function of the WEB server to noncritical operations. For example, general dissemination of information can be performed on a WEB server but not critical information such as sensitive financial or personal data.

3. Authentication through the registry can limit access to known users which also reduces the risk of infiltration.

4. Use SSL protocol to reduce sniffing threats.

5. Create user access lists that limit specific users to specific files. This can also be done in the registry (Microsoft, 2010).


Microsoft (2010) Web Server Security Retrieved from

Photo by Lars Kienle on Unsplash


Triola Vincent. Thu, Mar 11, 2021. What types of security risks do you face when installing a Web server? Retrieved from

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