Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills In A Group Environment

Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills In A Group Environment

Body Language as Feedback

Body language provides a speaker with confirmation that ideas are being properly received. Without the body language or tone of voice to give clues a speaker might assume the audience is uninterested. Using body language such as gesturing with one’s hands or avoiding the use of negative body language such as rolling one’s eyes can add to the importance of the message and the ability to communicate. For example, staring down or looking away from a speaker is bad body language because it may appear to the speaker that the person is uninterested (Verderber, Verderber, & Deanna, 2010). This is often a habitual problem not intended to be rude.

One of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication is the feedback which it provides. Teams and groups should be made aware of the nonverbal feedback because this type of communication is common, occurring in nonverbal communication forms such as eye contact, gestures, use of space, and facial expressions (Verderber, Verderber, & Deanna, 2010). Because this form of feedback includes tone, nodding, facial expressions, and other nonverbal communication cues, senders are often unaware of the feedback they are sending. Senders, if they are aware of these nonverbal communications cues, can alter messages if they believe that the message is failing to be impactful. There is an important aspect to this form of feedback in that the messenger can adjust messages if the feedback seems negative in some manner. Likewise, groups can enhance communication by reducing or changing their nonverbal communication.


Verderber, K. S., Verderber, R. F., & Deanna, D. S. (2010). Communicate. Boston: Wadsworth.


Triola Vincent. Mon, Jan 18, 2021. Ways to Improve Nonverbal Communication Skills In A Group Environment Retrieved from

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