PMBOK Area Of Project Time Management

PMBOK Area Of Project Time Management

Project Management Time Management Plan

The most important result of the Project Time Management Area (PTM) is the Time Management Plan which is part of the big Project Plan document. Among all of the factors involved in creating a successful project, a tight schedule is the cornerstone for a managed project. The Schedule can be treated as a tool that identifies and organizes different required project tasks in a sequence and presented in the form of a Plan.

The schedule is one of most important items produced from this knowledge area. Some of the benefits of the schedule include:

1. An easy basis for monitoring, controlling and tracking.
2. Provides a means to use resources effectively and efficiently.
3. Highlights which activities are crucial to completion of the project (or shows the critical Path) (PMBOK, 2004).

Within this knowledge area there are several resources for defining all of the detailed tasks and activities needed for the project produce desired results (PMBOK, 2004). Creating an integrated schedule for the project, and controlling changes to that project timeline can only be achieved through the use of resources designed to measure chronological aspects of the project. These include:

· Activity Definition & Activity Sequencing
· Activity Duration & Resource Estimating
· Schedule/Plan Development & Documentation
· Schedule/Plan Control

Using these tools managers can develop a proper schedule by thoroughly breaking-down the larger work packages of the projects structure into activities. These activities should be broken-down to such a basic level that further breakdown would be meaning less.


Project Management Institute. (2004) A guide to the project management body of knowledge : (PMBOK guide) Project Management Institute, Inc., Newtown Square, PA : pp. 237, 242, 202.

Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash


Triola Vincent. Thu, Apr 01, 2021. PMBOK Area Of Project Time Management Retrieved from

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