How The Phenomenon of Neuroplasticity Explains Long-term Changes

How The Phenomenon of Neuroplasticity Explains Long-term Changes

The Repetition of Gratitude Journaling, Imagery, & Affirmation

According to Norman Doidge, the brain is capable of rewiring itself both from a damaged physiological standpoint and also from a psychological standpoint. He states that:

…we now have brain scans that show that psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral and another form of therapy that’s based on neuroplasticity as well lead to the same kind of changes in the brain that you can get with medication — changes in different areas, but significant changes (Sales, 2009).

Doidge discusses how meditation can alter the brain and how different exercises may alter habits by rewiring neural pathways. It would make sense that techniques such gratitude journaling and imagery could create long term changes due to their repetitive actions forcing the brain to operate or think differently. Thinking positively has long been associated with better thinking and decision making skills, but with neuroplasticity, this phenomena may have a biological foundation.


Sales, L. (2009, January 5). Norman Doidge discusses neuroplasticity. Retrieved from ABC Lateline:


Triola Vincent. Sun, Apr 11, 2021. How The Phenomenon of Neuroplasticity Explains Long-term Changes Retrieved from

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